There are many reasons why you should choose us, but in particular there are some features that we feel are important to understand the added value that we can offer and that differentiates us from the market.


EVERY ROOM IN THE HOME CONNECTED Family Line allows you to coordinate all the rooms of the house in a harmonious and homogeneous way: from the kitchen, to the living room, to the bedroom and children’s rooms. Materials, finishes and colours allow you to design a coordinated home environment, thanks to the wide range of products that can be combined within the various collections.

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Every industrial activity has an impact on the planet, which is why we are constantly striving to deliver a habitable world for those who will come after us. We optimise, not only energy resources, but also production waste and wood dust, reusing them for other functions and reintegrating them into the system. Respect for the environment is strengthened in specific product lines that use ecological panels by virtue of a circular economy, thus creating a system capable of sustaining itself economically and ecologically without affecting the forest heritage.


Innovation in production, products and service, a mantra that has guided the development of our company for years. The Research Department carries out continuous research coordinated with the Style Department which, thanks to partnerships with international architectural firms, offers new collections with a distinctive design.


Our strength lies in offering countless design solutions alongside continuous customer support before, during and after the sale. Our intention to be at the customer’s side in all phases starts from the website and extends according to the sales channels. Thanks to the professional team of the sales office supported by marketing and customer service we are ready to respond to the challenges of a constantly evolving market.


Dedication and professionalism are at the core of our services. For us, satisfying customers means paying the utmost attention to our work, to all those daily practices that allow us to go beyond the simple commercial transaction between brand and consumer, towards the creation of a real value relationship.

Perché scegliere Colombini Casa


Quando siamo nati eravamo una piccola falegnameria, per questo crediamo che sia importante progettare ogni cosa a misura d’uomo.
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Produciamo i tuoi mobili solo dopo l’acquisto: in questo modo si evitano sprechi, emissioni e sovrapproduzioni inutili per l’ambiente.
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Materiali, finiture e cromie permettono di progettare ambienti coordinati tra loro grazie alla filosofia Family Line che garantisce armonia stilistica in tutte le stanze della casa.
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